Celebration of Life and Family Keepsake Video Slideshows

Family on couch watching slideshow video on TV

Slideshow Video Keepsakes

We create special slideshow videos set to music using your family’s slides, photos and video clips.

These videos become instant heirlooms you can give each member of the family to pass on for generations. What a great way to bring family memories to life at special events like weddings, graduations, birthdays and anniversaries. 

Celebration of Life Tribute Slideshows

It’s our privilege to honor the memory of a loved one with slideshow videos for wakes, funerals and memorial services.

Fast turnaround service

Our fast turnaround service ensures you will have a high quality video on the day you need it at a reasonable price. 


100 images or less (base price, does not include scanning fees) $75.00

100 to 200 images (base price, does not include scanning fees). $125.00

200 plus images – Please call for a quote.

Add titles to slide show $2.00 each title.

Add music to slide show $4.00 each song title.

Add video clips (edited) $25.00 per clip.

Place slideshow on DVD $10.00

Place slideshow on USB Flash Drive $20.00 

High quality scans of images are on screen about five seconds each with smooth fades in between. Customization is available.

Request Info for more information.

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